It’s been documented by the family who inherited the Atlantis ring that around 1860, a well-known French Egyptologist discovered the ring in the excavations of the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.
A Radiesthesist, André de Belizal, later inherited the ring. He was a respected expert in Radiesthesia, the science of using the vibrational fields of the human body to access information about other objects of animate or inanimate nature by establishing resonance with their energy fields, using specially calibrated instruments and a scale of qualitative measurement to decode this information.
The Atlantis ring, several thousand years old, was adorned with geometric symbols which were placed and balanced according to a very special arrangement.
De Belizal investigated and found that this ring’s geometric shapes created a subtle energy field of powerful vibrations. He found that its electromagnetic waves prevented the alteration of energy patterns, resulting in a protective shield for whoever wore it. It also increased the ability to tap into one’s own intuitive powers and the subconscious mind.
De Belizal’s account for the ring is part of the book “Ces maisons qui tuent” (Houses that Kill) by Roger de Lafforest” (pages 107 to 116). The book describes a series of locations and events that affected people’s energy in a detrimental way in the 1950’s and mentions tools and special devices that were effective in the protection and transmutation of these harmful frequencies.
Roger starts by mentioning the story of Howard Carter, the archaeologist who survived the “curse of the Tutankhamon mummy” whose tomb was discovered in 1922. At the entrance of the tomb, there was an ominous inscription that threatened those who dared to disturb the Pharaoh’s eternal sleep. The first to succumb to the ‘curse’ was Howard Carter’s partner Lord Carnarvon, who died suddenly soon after the discovery from an unexplicable cause. The list of those touched by similar mysterious deadly fates within a two year period includes over 18 names. Howard Carter was the only person who was not affected by this chain of events and according to the book, the reason was his protective amulet, the Atlantis ring.
The Atlantean Bar
Atlantean BarBelizal baptized the geometry of the Atlantis ring with the name “Wave Form of Luxor”. Several “waves of shape” with protective effects or not, were arranged in statues, mummies, paintings, and amulets in ancient Egypt. Dr. Ibrahim Karin talks extensively about this topic in his contemporary book “Back to a Future for Mankind”.
After carefully studying the geometry of the Atlantis ring, Belizal created the so-called “Harmonizer of Luxor”. A device for the protection of places such as the home or the office. This device, also called the “Atlantean bar”, has the same shape as the ring, only it is much larger and rectangular. The fact that the device is not closed as the ring, required that it always be oriented north-south. A few days after placement, the Luxor or Atlantean bar creates a protective atmosphere of 30 meters in diameter, balancing and compensating imbalances in the energy from the ground and the Cosmos.
The construction of the Atlantis Ring
One who decides to engage in a sincere and serious study of the Shape of Luxor or Atlantis ring design, either in the form of a bar or the ring, should know that it is composed of two isosceles triangles, 3 long lines and 6 short lines, 2 holes and a straight groove uniting these. The design follows a specific measurement based on Sacred Geometry proportions (the Golden Mean) which helps mostly in three areas: Protection, Healing (energy balancing) and Intuition.
Rings produced with these sacred geometry patterns represent the more precise version of the original Atlantis ring tested, perfected and documented by Mr. Belizal. He conducted numerous experiments with the geometry on the ring and worked with his radiesthetic measurement tools, including the Egyptian pendulum to fine tune the most effective and precise design reproduction.
Vi sökt och söker ännu den försvunna stand av Atlantis
Atlantis är en fiktiv ö omtalad av Platon och vars existens inte kunnat bevisas. Enligt Platon ska ön ha legat bortom Herakles Stoder, vilket kan vara bortom landmassorna av Gibraltar sund i norra Atlanten, och ha varit det mäktigaste riket på Jorden på sin tid.
Denna ring Atlantis skulle jag vilja ha som förlovningsring / vigselring som kan beställas så de blir gutna i och av samma massa.
Wedding rings make two souls One.
Wedding Rings | Atlantis Wedding Rings | Custom wedding rings | How rings are made .
We called it our - ONE SOUL- Wedding rings. That is because we make the wedding rings at the same time, from the same material and in the same mold. This way the two wedding rings are actually ONE at the moment of their creation.
Made on Sint Maarten, these Wedding Rings have a little European and a lot of Caribbean that make them unique European Wedding Rings with temperament Caribbean.
Wedding bands, you see anywhere else, may be made also be cast, but you, the customer, will never know if the two rings are cast at the same time, in the same mold, or from the same batch of metal.
We guarantee that our two rings, which are meant to join two souls, are cast simultaneously. In that sense, our way of making wedding rings is unique. We cast only two rings in the same mold.
This way our standard or unique custom design wedding rings are in principle one. They are actually made out of the same precious metal. After they are cast as one piece they are carefully cut free from the sprue and button and given each its individuality. These wedding rings are created at the same moment. These wedding rings are as identical, as twin, as they can ever be. They serve better than any other ring to join two soul.
Like attracts like is an old truth.
Click here to go to: History of the wedding ring
Standard Wedding Rings
When worn as part of a pair, it symbolizes the bond two people share, the solid, enduring, endless bond that connects them even when they're apart.
Because of the way we make them, our wedding rings are unique. Both rings are one piece of metal at the moment of their creation, and later when they are on the finger of a couple in love, they will always attract each other again.
The Atlantis Wedding Rings
We will cast the two Atlantis wedding rings that are to be wedding bands the same way as out regular -One Soul- Wedding Rings. However they will have even the magically power of the unique Atlantis ring. To read more about it go to our home page .
Affordable Wedding Rings
Custom Designed Wedding Rings
Email us your design and we will let you know if we can make your dream ring or band.
No other store or shop guarantees that your rings are made at the same time or of exactly the same metal. You can if you wish determine the time of creation of your wedding ring. After your personal wish, based upon your own astrological best moment, we will create it. It is standard for our workshop to create wedding rings when the moon is waxing towards its full potential. As of old, farmers sowed seeds at the beginning of the moon cycle, it is done since time memorial. To make seeds sprout and grow, the period of the waxing moon was always believed the best. The waning moon was for harvesting.
When worn as part of a pair, the rings symbolizes the bond two people share, the solid, enduring, endless bond that connects them even when they're apart.
Kanske förlova sig på Fjället i den klänning jag köpte i Brasilien Abadiania och med dessa ringar
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